Go Nationwide with a Provincial Courier Service!

Provincial Courier Services in the Philippines:

  • XDE Logistics
  • Entrego
  • J&T Express
  • LBC Express
  • Shipmates

We help online businesses with provincial deliveries. Using our seamless and easy-to-use shipping platform, you can enjoy fast and reliable shipping with Shipmates. Grow your business and sign-up for a free Shipmates account today!

Suppose your business is based in Metro Manila, and you haven't explored delivering to provinces using a provincial courier service. In that case, you're most likely to miss out on many potential customers. With only 12.37% of Filipinos living in the National Capital Region (NCR), your business can potentially grow outside of it, like in provinces like Cebu or Davao.

But the good news is you're here now! That means you're ready to take your business to the next level by serving your products provincially. And one of the best ways to do this is by having a fast and reliable provincial courier service who have access to any province in the country.

Why use a provincial courier service?

Provincial couriers specialize in delivering to the provinces in the Philippines. And as we keep on saying, there are lots of benefits that come with it.

A provincial courier service can help you:

·   Reach a wider audience: With a provincial courier service, you'll be able to reach people living in different provinces. It can help expand your customer base and grow your business.

·   Save money: A provincial courier service is typically more affordable than a national courier service mainly because they specialize in delivering to provincial areas.

·   Get your goods delivered faster: A provincial courier service has the advantage of being familiar with the provincial landscape, which means they can get your goods delivered to their respective destinations faster.

·   Enjoy peace of mind: When you use a provincial courier service, you can rest assured knowing that your goods are in good hands and will be delivered safely and on time.

Rates of provincial courier services

Provincial courier services typically charge by the weight of the package and the distance it needs to travel. The rates will also vary depending on your chosen provincial courier service. At most, you can expect a minimum of PHP 150 rate for a 1KG package. Still, it is best to consult your courier and see their delivery rates to your preferred province.

Trust Shipmates to handle all your provincial orders!

We'll be honest with you. There is no perfect courier when it comes to having consistent delivery times. Late packages could be caused by many factors like traffic, provincial holidays, and even bad weather - which is quite common in the Philippines. Our mission is to address this roadblock and provide a solution - to have multiple provincial courier companies under one platform, including XDE Logistics, J&T Express, and Entrego.

Having multiple provincial couriers to choose from gives any CEO or shipping manager of any e-commerce business the freedom and the flexibility to choose which courier works best for them. The best thing about Shipmates? You don't have to switch platforms anymore and familiarize yourself with the user interface and its process every time you ship nationwide. Don't worry! You're in good hands with us.

You may ask how wide our couriers can reach. We have provincial couriers that deliver to all 81 provinces in the Philippines - from Abra to Zamboanga. You name it; we have it! And because we understand that businesses need to save on costs, we offer competitive provincial Shipping rates for all our shippers.

If you're ready to take your business nationwide, sign up with Shipmates today for free and start shipping to any province in the Philippines!